Smiling occupational therapist


Our Occupational Therapists provide individualized care using evidence-based, comprehensive and innovative assessments so that we can help determine what recommendations are best for you…

Concussion and Neurological Assessments


Did you know you would receive occupational therapy if you were hospitalized for a concussion or brain injury? Our assessments are very comprehensive and include assessing the following:

  • Specialized neuro-vision assessment targeting oculomotor, visuo-vestibular, visual perceptual, cognitive-motor, and sensory function
  • Cognitive function like attention, memory, organization and executive function
  • Sensory dysregulation like light, noise and smell sensitivities
  • Anxiety and feeling overwhelmed in crowds, grocery stores, driving and social settings

Functional Capacity Evaluation

  • At Green Tree Rehabilitation, we are recognized by the court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta as experts in conducting Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs), which are usually one-day evaluations focused on physical function related to musculoskeletal strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility. The results can be used as a baseline to plan an individual's transition from injury to employment.
  • FCEs can be used to judge physical effort and predict the client’s ability to return to work. These evaluations provide objective information about the client’s current abilities to perform work tasks and activities of daily living. During the FCE, the client will be asked to perform activities, such as lifting, pushing and pulling, repetitive tasks using the upper extremities, finger manipulation tasks and tasks assessing postural tolerances. The FCE will provide a comprehensive report with specific recommendations for rehabilitation potential and plans, return to work status, equipment recommendations, job modifications, and graduated return to work schedules. FCEs are widely used in insurance, occupational, and rehabilitation medicine.

Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation

  • At Green Tree Rehabilitation we recognize that persons with brain injuries, chronic pain, and mental health conditions can face challenges that go beyond the physical body. Therefore, it is important that individuals with these conditions go through a thorough assessment of their cognitive and perceptual (including visuospatial) abilities, in addition to their physical capabilities.
  • While traditional FCEs measure the physical abilities affected by injuries and accidents, Cognitive FCEs accommodate for cognitive and/or behavioural challenges. In addition to physical function and effort, Cognitive FCEs assess cognitive, perceptual/sensory, communicative, psycho-emotional and behavioral function and are objective assessments, which measure the impact of cognitive changes. Cognitive FCEs provide recommendations to accommodate or minimize the condition.

In-Home Functional Assessments


Assessments involve identifying home and functional barriers, and to determine an individual's ability to live at home safely. Prescription of adaptive aids and mobility equipment are often involved to support a client's ability to perform self-care, transfers, stair mobility, meal preparation and housekeeping. The assessment and related consultation with equipment vendors and funding sources can usually be completed in 2-3 home visits.

The assessment encompasses all aspects of home safety and home management. Need for home support, attendant care, home modifications and transportation assistance may also be identified.

Occupational Therapy Initial


Multifaceted assessment looking at physical, cognitive, mental and social function and barriers related to disease, injury and disability.

Can be more geared towards one area:

  • Mental health assessment to determine appropriate treatment
  • Physical health assessment to determine functional needs and equipment supports
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Comprehensive functional assessment for multi and complex trauma
  • Post-surgical In-home and functional assessment
  • Home Equipment Assessment
  • Chronic Pain and Case Management

Work Capacity Evaluations


Job specific FCEs are a type of customized FCE conducted by Green Tree Rehabilitation that identifies the gap and/or barriers between an individual's functional capacity and the job demands/expectations of their job. Identified barriers can be cognitive, mental health, physical or related to social based. Assessments are solution-focused to support a successful return to work or resolve the case.

Functional Assessment

  • We are the only healthcare professional, other than a family physician, that assesses every system in your body like your muscle and bones, brain, mental health, cardiovascular, etc.
  • Assess a person’s physical, cognitive, social and mental health functional impairment after motor vehicle collisions, sport and psychologist injuries, trauma and disease
  • Provide specialized neuro-assessment for oculomotor, visuo-vestibular, visual perceptual, cognitive-motor, and sensory function
  • Identify needed services, equipment, and/or supports required to work, live at home and function in the community
  • Develop a unique functional profile based on physical, cognitive, social, and/or mental health abilities, impairments, and skill deficits that are barriers to work, home and social life
  • Identify level and types of supports required for independent, semi-supported or supported living
  • Assessments target activities of daily living, work, social life, home management, meal preparation and management, grocery shopping, money management, and leisure

Ergonomic Assessments


Pain and discomfort in the workplace can be addressed by an ergonomic assessment. Our GTR Occupational Therapists will assess and identify risk factors to determine the causes of discomfort and pain to make recommendations. Ergonomic assessments benefit employers and employees by increasing worker efficiency and safety in an environment that is suited for the client’s needs.

Recommendations may include changing body positioning, prescribing assistive devices and equipment, product design and altering workplaces to prevent injury.

Red and black raised circles on a board, used a tool to assess cognitive and functional capacity
Handtools, bolts and screws laid out on a table to assess Cognitive Functional Capacity

Get in Touch

Feel free to ask any questions over the phone, or get in touch via our contact form below. Your message will be dispatched directly to our staff who will answer as soon as they can.

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